Sunday, December 10, 2017

So I didn't blog my thoughts...

My thoughts are carefully notated in my book. I moved this year and in unpacking I came across this book and remembered the blog I never continued. Took me back 7 years... WOW. Now I'm 40 years old, still single, living in my own home. Happy and content with life and then...

Sometimes God has a odd sense of humor. I finally decided maybe God's plan was I would never marry. It's been years and years since a guy came along that I thought, hmmm. LOL. Then he showed up. It's such a weird journey, wondering and so confusing. A dance of what is going on becomes the thoughts of, I think something odd is going on. Now I am just curious, what is this odd relationship that seems to be blooming at such a late time in my life. For the first time since my teens my curiosity is at a all time high. LOL. It's what happens when someone comes along and shows they care and they like you just because your you. All the oddities in life and they are cool with it.

Been thinking about writting again because sometimes you just need to put things out there to be able to figure them out. Who knows what the future holds but 2018 is gonna be great! So excited to see what all unfolds.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lady In Waiting ~ Becoming God's Best While Waiting for Mr. Right

Ran across this book yesterday while shopping in a Christian Book Store. It was on a clearance table and the last book by it's title. It caught my eye because all my life, well since I was 16, I felt like God had called me to a place of waiting on His timing. So in all seriousness, I've not dated since I was about 17-18ish. I followed a new movement among homeschool teenagers that called us to a new standard of dating.... Courtship, waiting for Mr. Right and saving ourselves not only sexually but also mentally and emotionally for God's timing. It's never been an easy road. LOL. People tend to look at you like your crazy. I still at 33 years old think it's stupid. I have the greatest gift of all and is myself.

This book sounded so awesome so I grabbed it up and I'm already captured by it. It has a study guide and a meditative Journal in the back. Other people want to read it but as I go through I will be using my blog to record my thoughts as much as possible. LOL. I hope my journey will encourage other young ladies to find hope in their lives as we wait on God's timing.